《撒旦来临》无删减版,影片主要讲述了:Kabir and his family's fun weekend retreat takes a nightmarish turn when they let a friendly but mysterious stranger into their house. As the clock ticks, the family will be forced to confront their worst fears in this gripping, edge-of-the-seat supernatural-thriller that deals with the sinister elements of Indian Black Magic许多人想行云流水过此一生,却总是无波四起。平和之人,纵是经历沧海桑田,也会安然无恙。敏感之人,遭遇一点风声,也会千疮百孔。命运给每个人同等的安排,而选择如何经营自己的生活,酿造自己的情感,则在于个人的心性。